Monday 29 October 2012

Concept development

From my concept last week and the discussion from the forum I have decided to try and create something of an animal. The animal will react to different situations:

when it goes dark it will glow white
when you touch his head it will vibrate softly and glow green
when its tail is touched it will vibrate aggressively and glow red
when it is picked up it will vibrate quickly as if flinching and flash blue and yellow.

It will be put in a little cube and hooked up with a battery that will recharge with the group.
When with the group the animal will purr and pulse through the colour.


sensors spine - softpot
sensor light - photosensor
sensor touch - piezo element

reaction physical - motor
reaction audible - piezo element
reaction skin - multi-colour LED

My research so far has allowed this to happen except for the motor which is broken. I'm using a blue glow at the moment to demonstrate the workings of the animal.

video of outcomes

The touch sensing is alluding me at present but I'm off to get a new Piezo element tomorrow.

The image below is an option for creating the objects.

Final option is a munging of two things.

A crafty twine ball

A crafty device called Twine

The object would mimic the capability of the 'Twine' and look like the twine ball. 

Another development is the Capsense library. The capsense library is basic enough and easy to manipulate. One pin sends out a current another pin picks up a current and measures any changes in it. As a group we then hooked that up to the speaker which demonstrated that it was working. The issue is that it was so DAMN SENSITIVE! It was a very difficult thing to control especially when hooked up to a battery. It seems to take the electrical field around it when it is first plugged in as a constant but as soon as the base current alters it would freak out and stop working properly. Persistence is required and shall be applied.

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